We are committed to providing housing solutions for individuals and families experiencing homelessness in Hampshire County, Ma. Throughout our years, we have spearheaded local efforts to create permanent supportive housing, while also supporting emergency shelter efforts. We follow a Housing-First model, believing that it is the most dignified, effective, and efficient approach to homelessness.

Permanent Supportive Housing Projects:

Yvonne’s House (Northampton, Ma):  Serving chronically homeless individuals

Gandara House (Northampton, Ma): Serving chronically homeless individuals

Teen Housing (Northampton, Ma): Serving youth and teens experiencing homelessness in partnership with Dial/Self

IHS Project (Northampton, Ma): Serving adults with disabilities experiencing homelessness in partnership with Independent Housing Solutions

Emergency Housing Support

Our Emergency Housing Support program collaborates with regional partners like Craig’s Doors and the Division of Community Care in Northampton, MA, to provide emergency hotel stays for individuals and families in need. This immediate assistance offers crucial shelter and stability, enhancing access to healthcare and other vital community resources. By addressing urgent needs, we aim to create a pathway toward sustained change and long-term well-being for those we serve.